foomart foomart

 Friday, November 21

Show night 2, and I am starstruck. The venue includes the Public Theater* as well as Joe's Pub where DG and SB played. Right now there's a play on at the Public called The Story which attracted many stars, Angela Bassett and Phylicia Rashad among lots of famous types, most of whom looked familiar but I had no idea who they were. Suzanne, my merch selling comrade, had to point people out to me left and right as they milled about in the lobby where I was set up. That's not why I'm starstruck.

S@ndra Bernh@rd played again, no catfights, same show, same trip to the coat room, same everything. Nothing noteworthy except that my old schoolmate Will was there to see the show. I gave him a foomart pin, so if he finds it in his pocket when he's near a computer, hi Will! But still not starstruck.

DG played next, and played a knockout show. Then we sold a ton of merch, even more than last night. And I met T's imaginary girlfriend A, who apparently does exist, or so she claims. But it wasn't until the crowd started coming in for the next act, of whom I can't find any mention anywhere in Joe's Pub's ads or their website or anything so I don't know who they are... it wasn't until then that Isaac fucking Hayes came walking in. My eyes fell out like a cartoon wolf. Now that's famous. I didn't say anything, of course... "Hi! I completely spaced one of your songs a couple weeks ago! I have ALL of your records...on my computer..." uh, naah. But—but—Isaac fucking Hayes! Like five feet away! Eeeep!

*which reminds me, I have to locate and digitize the tape I bootlegged there, of the songs from Up Against It.

12:55 AM

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