foomart foomart

 Friday, November 7

Po' B. He's stuck in the wilds of Queens, wrestling with bargain-basement hard drives and unmarked jumpers to upgrade the studio's "professional" system, which for some reason requires SCSI drives. In this day and age! For that kind of money! Outrageous. And with a screaming child on premises, for that extra li'l dash o' stress.

Worse than that, I got inspired and actually cooked what looks to be a darn fine dinner (I'll wait while you pick yourself up off the floor) but it looks like he's not going to be home any time soon. Fortunately, there's a Dominican mama where he is, who will fill him up big time. Since he's a veg, and therefore can't possibly get enough to eat, she makes him spaghetti, rice, potatoes, plantains and bread until he goes into a starch coma. Then, when he wakes up, she feeds him more. Hee. On the other hand, he sounded a tad cranky on the phone there; perhaps they haven't taken a dinner break, or mom's not there. Po' B.

7:20 PM

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