foomart foomart

 Monday, November 10

Oh, I thought of one more thing that happened the other night. One of the guests asked about the jukebox, whether it worked and all that. B switched it on as we explained that it's been wonky lately. (probably needs a complete capacitor rebuild, definitely needs a proper lube job, and the selector mechanism is gummed up but I think we can fix that by letting it get warmed up properly and just using it a lot.) The guest announced that she would make it work, and punched in a handful of songs. B punched in a few too. The mechanism traveled over, skipping all the songs that they'd chosen, traveled around again, and finally stopped and played a song which neither of them had selected: the Isley Brothers' Save Me.

I don't think the poor thing could have sent a clearer message. I'm looking up the guy in Georgia who does cap jobs and finding out how much of the machine I have to dismantle and send down there. Or maybe I'll see if I can do it myself... apparently it's a Very Bad Idea to just keep playing it when it starts doing its capacitor crackling thing.

The sad thing is, when we play it a lot it works fine. It's when it sits idle for weeks and months that things go wrong. Poor jukebox. I'll try to do better in the future.

3:23 PM

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