foomart foomart

 Tuesday, November 25

I used to read Jane Austen books and wonder what the hell those people found to do every day. Only the men ever had to commute to London for any kind of job, and half of them didn't even have to do that since they were simply wealthy. I guess some of the stuff the women did took time. Planning a walk on a nice spring day could involve ten people and three days, what with sending messages back and forth and analyzing the writer's hand and the quality of the letter and all. But really, they had a lifetime with absolutely nothing to do. I never understood that.

But now that I'm a layabout my own self, I find it really remarkable how the days just zoom by. I have my list which I tick off every day, and there's always stuff that has to get done around the house, but really, it's hardly an eight hour workday. It's cool. I could be stuck at some soul-sucking job wishing I had more free time to do the stuff I wanted to do. Like right now I'm going to go install a birdbath. Then I'm gonna do yoga and meditate until I feel like stopping. I ain't mad at that.

3:38 PM

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