foomart foomart

 Wednesday, November 19

Gotta work. Don't wanna work. It's pissing rain out there, and the day's slipping away, but don't wanna work. I have plenty of time, it seems; apparently I'm only selling stuff AFTER the 10 PM show, not before. So I hear secondhand; nobody's actually told ME that, of course. In the email with the digi postcard several days ago, I also agreed to do the sales, but when I talked to the tour manager yesterday she asked me whether I'd be there tonight or not. Hello? Communication: it's what separates us from animals. Ok, let me go get this crap done so I have time for my own stuff today. It shouldn't take me more than a couple hours to finish the job at this point; I got a bunch of it done yesterday. Still don't wanna. There's a whole big internet out there which demands my immediate attention...
10:52 AM

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