foomart foomart

 Friday, November 14

Got my Hot Dogs record in the mail today. It was already in the CDDB when I stuck it in my computer. That's the sign of quality! I also finally got a gently pre-owned copy of Rodale's Encyclopedia of Organic Gardening, too late for this year, of course, but I have big plans for next spring. I'm starting a new level in the worm bin this week, too, finally having harvested all of the castings from the oldest one. I don't post about the Squirmy Irmy all that much these days, but they're thriving indoors, outdoors, and in the big potted plants. The ones in the worm bin are still making fabulous art out of the Jersey corn cobs from this summer.

Speaking of fabulous art, MAN is my brother getting scary good at what he's doing. The boy needs his own atelier, and stat.

10:38 PM

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