foomart foomart

 Saturday, November 22

Blugh, what a lame day. B didn't make it to the repair shop in time, so it's two more days without the big red mixer. It's been like 11 months already, though, so I think I'll get over it. My chest thing is still bothering me, but I intend to get over that as well. It's just really annoying not to be able to take a proper deep breath. And the yoga thing never happened today either. Like I said, a lame day indeed. The plus side is, I found a recipe for a scarily delicious sort of faux mashed potato dish, which uses cauliflower instead of the potatoes. It covers up the cauliflower taste with a metric shitload of butter and cheese. It's goooooood. We're trying out recipes to bring for turkey day, and this one would be a candidate if we didn't know they were making an enormous drum of mashed potatoes already, like they do every year. So the search continues, tomorrow we'll try this broccoli and cauliflower dish.

So little to report. Is it better to write about not having anything to write about, or just not write? Probably just not write, huh. Ok, I'm going to stretch a bit and hit the sack.

11:59 PM

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