foomart foomart

 Friday, November 28

Back in front of a cozy crackling monitor where I belong. Fangs-gibbon dinner was lovely; sad, of course, for me and for AH and PH, both of whom had lost their mothers this year, but everyone there was warm and friendly. One of the guests there is a minister of some Protestant denomination. His daughter had some stickers and she made one for him, and hugged him to surreptitiously stick it on his back. What do you think it said? If you guessed KICK ME, guess again. It said I LOVE GOD. My eyes rolled clear back in my head.

After dinner we took a nice stroll around Stockbridge, where we drank tequila and peeked in the Holsten Gallery. It was closed but had several Chihuhuhulies visible through the windows. We went to Fff's house after that where we were supposed to paint a wall but never did. Today was spent making plans to get back home which all broke and reformed as everybody figured out what the hell they were doing. Why we can't ever do this in advance, I'll never know. We checked out Cff's new store where she's selling her housewares to people with more money and fewer cats than us. Got back to the big house, where we pretty much packed straight into our ride and took off, which was fine. Everybody's super nice up there, and a lovely time was had by all, but I was definitely ready to go.

Got home and I made an omelette with salmon, cream cheese, dill, and capers which was seriously BANGIN'. Very much worth doing. If we weren't out of eggs I'd make another one. Mm-mm-mm.

8:52 PM

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