foomart foomart

 Sunday, November 30

B is in the air on his way to Nantes now, and I'm here, chillin' with the critters and hoping Jersey City jury duty isn't too painful. I have to call tomorrow evening to get my reporting instructions for Tuesday. I'd done jury duty a half dozen times in New York, including grand jury duty twice, so it'll be interesting to compare how the two cities run theirs. They say right on the notice that if I don't sit on a trial my term of service is just two days. That's pretty cool. But I have to be there at 8:30 AM, which is very definitely not cool. And I have no idea where the court building is, so it's time to do a bit of research. And I'm making five bucks a day! This is the closest thing to a job I've had since February 2002!
7:45 PM

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