foomart foomart

 Tuesday, November 18

Argharghargh. We're trying to make plans and nail down airline tickets for the trip to Venezuela in December. The last two weeks in December have pretty much been the plan since there was a plan; we'd spend xmas down there and do the ashes thing. The hitch is, Dad left a note outlining his wishes and they include his friend BP. BP lives in Hawaii and can't go in December. But K has made plans with a lot of people down there and they are all going to try to get there around that time. K thinks we should do it without BP; I think she's not going to be able to relax until this job is done. My brother thinks we shouldn't, and that doing it over xmas, even though none of us give a rat's ass about the holiday, might be a bad idea. And BP said to go without him; maybe he doesn't want to go/can't deal with the situation, maybe it's just plain bad timing. The holiday season is, naturally, a busy time for him, and he's got a visitor coming from the mainland right around then. But there's this box of ashes that need scattering, and all these other people have altered their plans to be sure we'd have a way to get where we need to be, and they knew my dad and want to be there.

Now that I write it out, it seems like the smart thing would be to go there some other time, when BP can go. It's early enough that we can let the boat people know to change their plans, and we'd probably save a bunch of money by not traveling during the high holiday season. The prices are going up every day at this point. I guess there's no reason it has to happen during December really, either. We had planned on xmas there again this year when we were there last year, but now that everything's turned upside down none of that matters. I think what matters is that we're all there, whenever that turns out to be.

7:18 PM

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