foomart foomart

 Sunday, October 5

Ugh, that evil fuck Phelps is at it again. Fortunately, the hate festering in his heart will kill him soon. And he is SO going to hell. I don't think there's a hell, really, but if the explorers of the afterlife are right, he'll be firmly stuck in the Belief System Territories with his own kind until the end of time. Once he leaves this plane, if there's any justice at all, he won't bother the rest of us ever again as we evolve through our lives. I like to think that's true, that all the intolerant bastards in this life will be penned together forever in the reject bin, and the rest of us will keep reincarnating until we as a race get it right.
* * *
Just made a whompin' donation to GLAAD, some twenty years later than I should have. I feel a little better.
* * *
And now I've read this link from Metafilter, and I'm sick to my stomach. I'm gonna go scoop out the cat box and try to get some perspective. Only follow that link if you're feeling strong and have some time. And pass it along.
8:12 AM

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