foomart foomart

 Sunday, October 19

So we went to the psychic fair and it was lovely. We went to the chakra tuning thingy and the singing bowls thingy. Felt my chakras glowing like jewels—the ones that are all working, anyway—and basically felt like a nice beer buzz all over. We went to another workshop with a friend and his singing bowls, but I was kind of distracted by the unusual effect of him glowing. I've never seen auras before but this was weird. I thought it was dirt on my glasses, or the light or something, but I took off my glasses and he moved out of the spotlight and he kept glowing. Totally weird. I didn't end up getting my past lives read, though. Much as I wanted to get read, and to know who the main players are in my current life, the guy who was there didn't seem like the guy who I wanted to find out this sort of thing from. He was kind of sketchy and I didn't like his vibe at all. So I pretended to write another name, loopily scratching out my own name where I'd signed it up on the form earlier, and we split, still energetically buzzing but that passed pretty soon.

Off to Wawa and their stuffed pretzels, and to see D blow some glass, which was totally worth the trip. We watched his instructor blow a piece for his mother, and one other guy do one of his own which changed draMAstically, to our surprise, into a lovely draped bowl thingy. Then D and another woman got to work. D gathered up an orange Peep of glass and marvered it into a bishopy glob. He got some more, smushed it into some color, shaped it, and blew it out a little before reheating it and putting some more color into it. He had these rods which he stuck his glob into and then bent around his glob. More heat, more color, more swinging the rod around, more picking up of glass—I'm sure I have the order wrong about all of this. There were a lot of stages.

In any case, something happened and his blowpipe got clogged and he wasn't able to blow the glass out as much as he originally planned. So he transferred it onto a punty and opened it up with some jacks, like making a bowl on a pottery wheel. It came out really cool, even though he was totally unhappy with it because it could have been blown out so much bigger if the pipe hadn't clogged. I thought it looked great, but what do I know. It was definitely better than the lopsided thing the other woman was working on for like hours...

After that, we went off to the 110th birthday party which was just lovely. Everybody had nametags, which we quickly vandalized, and there was wonderful food (from the same chef who'd cooked the dinner last night) and honest drink aplenty. We got back to D's house, and nobody but me was really up for meeting W and D at the local gay bar, so here I sit. Breeders...

* * *

In hindsight, this would have been a spectacularly bad idea, and I'm glad it didn't happen, much as I love W and D and gay bars.

12:02 AM

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