foomart foomart

 Wednesday, October 22

Shit! This is why I don't leave the house. I schlep up to Central Ave to copy some keys and mail them off and deposit some checks and mail some bills and go all the way to the hated Stop & Drop to buy some wacky way-out products like veggie burgers and clumping cat litter because the local bodegas don't carry that sort of thing...and, when I get back, there it is, angst incarnate on my door. They NEVER come this early. Dang. Hate that. At least the UPS guy was nice enough to fill out the "from" line on the form so I know what the package is, and that it will be fine waiting until tomorrow. And I had a nice walk, during which I noticed that somebody in this neighborhood has Miss Piggy curtains.

Guess I'll do the other errand run I have to do today instead of tomorrow like I'd planned. Off I go then.

1:07 PM

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