foomart foomart

 Thursday, October 23

Mercy me, where has the day gone? I started off well, got a load of laundry in, fed the worms, worked the compost, watered the plants, and paid some bills...but then I downloaded the demo of iPoker and now it's dark outside. It's a good thing they don't take PayPal; if I'd been able to pay for this thing quickly and with PayPal play money, and subsequently gained the ability to play 95 different games, not just the demo's 7-card stud, I don't think I would have stopped to eat lunch. I totally get where the Earl of Sandwich was coming from. It's a darn good thing I don't play for real money. Speaking of which, my chips came in. They're good heavy clay ones, not the Tiddlywinks d'antan, and they nestle just so in their adorable little attaché case. Sadly, I'm not thrilled with the contrast of two of the colors; the gray is as ginchy as I thought it'd be but unfortunately it's also fairly dark, so in low light the color might be a little too close to the black ones. I will buy another, more contrasty, color when I get back. Either yellow, to round out the Metro colors, or green, for the land, Africa. Haven't decided yet which flag to rally round.
7:01 PM

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