foomart foomart

 Thursday, October 23

Loose Ends, Up-Tying of:
1. I didn't join the Joan Jett fan club. I'm thirty-six years old, for chrissakes. Still haven't located a paper copy of either a) the head-tilted picture, b) the original one I was looking for, or c) Randee St. Nicholas, but I'm still looking.
2. The piano sample I was trying to remember was, of course, from Ike's Mood. Uh-duh. I'll be mentally misplacing the Apache beat and Funky Drummer next, thanks.
3. Monitor is still alive and kicking. Turning the poor thing off at night seems to be prolonging its life.
4. Haircut's still bad, but that's pretty much a lifetime thing. I think I've had two good haircuts ever, and they were both while I was in high school.
9:35 AM

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