foomart foomart

 Tuesday, October 14

It's howling and pissing rain out there tonight. I'm glad to be safe inside with a purring furrball on my lap.

I should be filling a couple of orders to go out tomorrow, but nothing is touching this caffeine headache today, and that includes a nap, water, aspirin, Reiki, and even caffeine. Only one of the orders really needs to go out tomorrow, actually, and it's anti-war pins, of which I have a metric kazillion made, the ones that I was going to sell on the the State College trip. Maybe I'll bang that out tonight so I can feel done for the day. I did accomplish a few things, and I actually showered and left the house this morning, which is SO unlike me. Went down to Hoboken to do some banking and buy a big bag o' meat analogues. Even with B out of the house, it's easier to deal with Quorn and Chik'N Things (the best food ever) than actual chicken. Plus, y'know, karma and guilt and hormones and all that.

Got back home, fixed the fugly Blogrolling thingy over there and changed the color of all the links on this page so my mom can see them. Then I paid all the household bills, sent off my sales tax forms, balanced the checkbook and considered refinancing the mortgage. I would have done more along that line, but the forms on my lender's website don't like me, or Macs. I'll call them tomorrow. Maybe. I'm not too good at that whole picking-up-the-phone thing.

I also borrowed some tasty new (to me) music from my friends on the Internet. Funky old Bollywood soundtrack music, really good angsty flamenco, a Salif Keita album I didn't have, some ancient ska and a weird Dinah Shore song. I've been borrowing everything I can get my grubby little paws on lately, because this wonderful open tap of music is just too good to last, even though I'm pretty sure the ARR! AI! 'EY! 'EY! wouldn't be interested in any of the stuff that I actually listen to/play on RFF. (Tune in and cleanse your aural palate.)

In a totally-unrelated music question, where the hell is the piano sample from that's used in LL Cool J's 6 Minutes of Pleasure? Damn, it's on the tip of my brain and I can't place it.

I added Alas, a Blog to my blogroll list today, check it out. Good stuff there.

11:31 PM

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