foomart foomart

 Saturday, October 18

Got to Phlegmington without incident—other than finding out the bus line has made their annual switch from fuckin' freezing to fuckin' sweltering—had a dinner that couldn't be beat and the best golf wine I've ever tasted, dropped the batch of buttons furtively into a mailbox in the dead of night, and got back to D's house to see his latest creations. Impressive. He's really making marvelous stuff, and it's getting better and better technique-wise. I hope he doesn't lose the lovably crude crookedness of his old stuff has as he learns--hope he can keep the chaos in there somewhere even after he knows how to control the glass in different situations.

Tomorrow is the fair. I hope it'll be interesting, but if it sucks we're planning to split and go watch D blow glass at school. I hope we get to do that in any case, really. The fair thingy is at the Princeton Unitarian Church, and that isn't a very big building. I imagine we can cover whatever's there in a few hours. I also noticed that the guy who married B and me doesn't seem to be there anymore. Scandal? I doubt it. Not in the UU church, they're not all weird and repressed there. Yawn. I'm off to slumberland now. The radio's still working, for what that's worth, so feel free.

12:30 AM

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