foomart foomart

 Monday, October 20

Did Lifesavers get bigger? I bought a roll of them today, to get bus change, and they look unnaturally huge. Maybe the ones we got in those Sweet Li'l Stories books were unusually small or something; I don't remember eating them much outside the post-stocking season. On the other hand, my memory is pretty bad in general, so never mind.
* * *
Man, am I out of the loop. The fuck? They took out the three good flavors and left the gross pineapple ones? What is wrong with these people? No wonder I haven't bought the stupid things since I got bored with the Wint-O-Green sparking thing. My roll today seems to be the original flavors, thank foodness. That's a nice typo/I really like it/wish I had expected it...
5:32 PM

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