foomart foomart

 Wednesday, October 22

Dag nabbit. That mo-o-otherlode of music I found a couple of days ago? I'd nabbed about 2/3 of it, but today I saw that there was a new version of mlmac out there, so, naturally, I downloaded it. So did I then kill the mldonkey core? No, I did not. Did I back up my temp files or quit everything in an orderly fashion so that the .ini files would write properly and not turn into .outi files? Or take any precautions at all that might have been sensible like that? Course not. Sigh. It's easy to recreate the searches and all, and I've got all my pots baited and back in the water again...but losing an 86% complete 200 MB file just suuucks, and losing, well, let's call it several mostly-done big files? SUUUUUCKS.

On the positive side, because there is always a positive side, it located a couple of things I'd been searching for a long time ago and forgotten about, from the last time my donkeys crashed like this. So if you think I didn't have quite enough wanky Krautrock on the radio station before, well, you'll be a happy camper, you will. I'd forgotten all about that one Ash Ra Tempel record I'd been stalking. Ooh! Lucky you!

8:53 PM

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